Objective Art 2
The Taj Mahal As Objective Art
"You will be surprised to know that the Taj Mahal was created on Sufi principles. This is not discussed in history, because the people who write history do not understand such depth, nor do they try to. They think it is just a memorial made by some emperor for his beloved and the matter is finished. But they have never looked into the fact that the emperor was advised and counselled by great Sufi mystics. The Taj Mahal was made in such way that on a full moon night. If you sit for a whole hour, just looking . You will become meditative. It is an example of marvelous reigious art. If you look in a special state, with a special feeling and from a special angle, then the Taj Mahal is a temple, not a tomb. It is a matter of how you look."
Death is Divine, Chapter 10
"For example, the Taj Mahal is an example of objective art.¡¡When the moon is full just meditate on it. Just sit silently and look at it, and something starts disappearing in you. A moment comes soon when you are not and the observer has become the observed. It is the peace of Sufi Art. Tourists will never understand it because they will not give time to it. The whole day people are passing in the Taj Mahal, coming and going - the whole day. If it was in my hands I would prevent these people entering the Taj Mahal unless they are prepared to meditate for a few hours. That should be the entry fee; otherwise they should not be allowed. It is profaning something sacred. It has to be approached in a certain attitude, in a prayerful attitude, at a certain time.
When the moon is full - the full moon night is the night for the Taj Mahal - exactly in the middle of the Taj Mahal, sit for one hour looking at it and you will disappear, and you will never be the same person again."
When the moon is full - the full moon night is the night for the Taj Mahal - exactly in the middle of the Taj Mahal, sit for one hour looking at it and you will disappear, and you will never be the same person again."
Hallelujah! Chapter 30